You are correct, the post is a little redundant....well maybe totally redundant. Sorry. I have read some of the comments made regarding the blog. My thought is that if as many of us as possible call in sick, then the government loses tax money that day (some of your income is not taxed when you call in sick) and it will let them see how many Americans can pull together to form a possible voting block. Also if we stay home, it hurts many industries who depend on people leaving their homes for their revenue stream.
I am just an average guy who has gotten fed up with the total disregard for the constituency by our elected officials. I am a salesman on the road. My monthly gas bill has increased by over $300. My oil to heat my house has increased from $$100 per month to over $300 and my electric bill has doubled to $425 per month. I see illegals getting benefits that I pay for who get paid under the table. I see illegals buying homes with "mattress money" that they never had to be taxed on. AND I have a problem with officials making rules and taxes for me that they are not subject to themselves.
All I am saying is that we have to TRY. You cant get fired for calling in sick. Congress has to sit up and listen when corporations throughout the country see the impact of what we can be just by simply staying home and start pressuring congress also. It will the best way for us to stand up and show the government that we are ready to act if change is not made. I cannot believe that many politicians won't want to jump on this bandwagon if they see it can help their position.
Hey....anyone got any other suggestions? Or do we just blog ourselves into a bunch of typical americans who complain and don't TRY to do anything. I'm not rying to see how many people I can get to see my email or blog. I am just totally aggravated at our situation at the hands of a bunch of corrupt pervertsin Washington.
Send out the first post to every one you have nothing to lose.